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‘This is DELHI’: Social media user shares video of garbage dumped on road

A social media user, Pankhuri Pathak, shared a video apparently showing garbage on Delhi roads. The user posted on X (formerly Twitter), “This is DELHI. This is India’s Capital. What are we paying our taxes for?”
Pankuri mentioned that the video was recorded near her parent’s house in West Delhi earlier that morning, despite some claiming it was from Faridabad. She acknowledged that similar conditions exist in Faridabad as well and added that thousands had used this damaged road daily for the past two years.
“This is Sagarpur Main Road area in West Delhi. Since last two years this road is in this terrible condition. Residents are forced to clean their own surroundings. Public representatives are unresponsive. MP @kjsehrawat , MLA @MLAVinayMishra , @MCD_Delhi @OberoiShelly this is a request to you to visit this area and understand the plight of the people (sic),” she wrote.
This is DELHI.This is India’s Capital. What are we paying our taxes for ?
“This is the main road. Internal roads would be worse. These are people who vote for you. You are responsible for them. Giving them a decent road is the least you can do,” she added.
An X user questioned who had thrown the waste on the road, emphasising that paying taxes doesn’t justify littering. The user suggested using a dustbin or handing it to the corporation’s waste collection vehicle.
In response, Pankhuri pointed out that if waste collection were properly managed, people wouldn’t walk to the main road to dispose of their trash. She criticised the X user and urged him to think more logically about the situation.
“For a moment, I thought this was Bangalore! All our cities look similar,” wrote one user, indicating that Bengaluru had a similar situation.
“I guess! And we were supposed to get a hundred smart cities,” Pankhuri replied.
“Same situation in Kochi, Chennai, Bengaluru, Kolkata,” another social media user claimed.
